The Transexual Menace

Denise Norris - Stonewall Rally Speech

Introduction – Voice Over

In troubled times, a dark Menace awakens, furious and vengeful at the plight of their people.

In a loud collective voice they scream, "Put the T back in Stonewall!"


Do we feel pumped, yet?

Are your hearts pounding?

Do you feel alive?

I'm Denise Norris, one of the founders of the Transexual Menace. When Riki Wilchins and I started the Menace in 1993, we were inspired by Act-Up and Queer Nation and we envisioned a decentralized, leaderless direct-action group for people of all gender expressions, where actions were planned and executed at the will of the members and everyone had a voice.

At the time, we struggled to gather just a few dozen Menaces for an action. But look at all of you now! The growth, the power, the unity—we've come so far and we’re stronger than ever!

We Will Not Be Erased

As a member of The Transexual Menace, I often hear complaints that the name is offensive. To that, I say, "Hello! That's the point of being transgressive." The name highlights the absurdity of the pearl-clutching trans-panics manufactured by political forces attempting to erase us.

The Transexual Menace is not a cuddly minority you can take home and place on a shelf, next to an elf. We have prickly thorns when you deny us our visibility and equality.

Equality is never achieved by becoming acceptable to the oppressor, and acceptability is not our goal.

Erasure is never acceptable, and being acceptable is not equality.

We will not be erased.

Trans rights are the canary in the coal mine.

Stonewall Was Our Riot

They targeted trans people because our rights were the least defended, the least socially secure. But make no mistake—if the White House succeeds in erasing trans identities, they will use their power to erase the rights of Queer, Bi, Lesbian, and Gay individuals. They will erase abortion rights, women's rights, children's rights. Anyone who is not white, conservative, Christian, and male will become a target. We must draw the line here, or we will all fall.

Genocide goes unseen when people are erased first.

Trans Visibility, Not Eradication!

Are we really a Menace?

Oh yes, but not the way people think.

We are a transgressive threat to the patriarchal gender binary whose apex is occupied by those same white, conservative Christian men. As trans and gender diverse, our very existence is an attack at their gender binary. And they know it.

Stonewall is where it all began—it is our nexus, our heritage, our future.

In 1994, we had to fight to be recognized for our crucial role in Stonewall. We won that battle and it was arguably the final push that brought about the creation of the LGBT community with the long-overdue recognition of the roles played by Silvia Rivera, Marsha P Johnson, Yvonne Ritter, and so many other trans folks who stood up visibly at the riots.

We need to remind the White House that Stonewall Was Our Riot!

We Are Unbreakable

Passports do not validate our identities, any more than deadnames invalidate them. Look in the mirror—staring back at you is the only person who validates your identity. Always has. Thirty-five years of authenticity has taught me that.

Yes, thirty-five years of authenticity, and here we are, having to fight for our lives once again. I had hoped to be the retired community elder, making pithy comments on my socials, but we enlist for life in this struggle.

This time, however, we are over a million strong and better organized than ever before. We have allies from all walks of life, no matter how much the White House attempts to alienate them from us.

At World Pride, we must march—truly march—as a united and visible people, reminding the world that trans identities cannot be erased by the threat of law.

Just imagine one million trans folx in Washington DC. Imagine the powerful message we’ll send to the White House and to the world. Our presence will be undeniable, our voices unbreakable.

We are unbreakable.

We Are All Menaces Now

I am here to recruit you as Harvey Milk so eloquently put it.

I want to recruit you to be transgressive Menaces in opposition to the patriarchal gender binary that would erase all of us if we don’t stand united for trans-rights, for trans-existence. But I don’t need to recruit you as you have already recruited yourselves.

We’re all Menaces now.

Can I get a loud “Hell Ya!”

Thank you.

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